Alto /PS4

A highly cost effective, re-usable padlock for airline carts. Ideal for buy on board and suiting.

So, why did we develop a new range of re-usable seals?


Current generic seal design fails to address 2 key issues when examining pilfered airline carts.

  • Accidental breakage
  • Re-feeding.

Traditional pull up seals generally do not sit flush against the catering carts.  They have flags protruding from their locking mechanisms leaving them vulnerable to crushing in transit. As these heavy and laden solid metal carts are moved into trucks to go airside onto departing flights, carts are jossled and bashed together. 

Protruding plastic is vulnerable to accidental and, more importantly, deliberate acts of sabotage where it is easy enough to make it appear as if the seals were broken accidently.  

Our Alto/PS4 sealing solution

  • completely eradicates accidental breakage!

  • cannot be re-fed

  • is 70% cheaper to transport htan tradtional seals

  • is solid, robust and durable providing an effective deterrence.

  • is patented, looks nothing like any other similar seal and can’t be supplemented with lookalike seals.


If you would like to talk to us about how our patented re-usable inflight security solutions can help your processes please call us on +44 (0)208 308 8000 or click on the enquire button above.